本文共 10540 字,大约阅读时间需要 35 分钟。
输入经纬度 和编码级别计算对应的geohash编码from math import log10__base32 = '0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz'__decodemap = { }for i in range(len(__base32)): __decodemap[__base32[i]] = idel idef decode_exactly(geohash): lat_interval, lon_interval = (-90.0, 90.0), (-180.0, 180.0) lat_err, lon_err = 90.0, 180.0 is_even = True for c in geohash: cd = __decodemap[c] for mask in [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]: if is_even: # adds longitude info lon_err /= 2 if cd & mask: lon_interval = ((lon_interval[0]+lon_interval[1])/2, lon_interval[1]) else: lon_interval = (lon_interval[0], (lon_interval[0]+lon_interval[1])/2) else: # adds latitude info lat_err /= 2 if cd & mask: lat_interval = ((lat_interval[0]+lat_interval[1])/2, lat_interval[1]) else: lat_interval = (lat_interval[0], (lat_interval[0]+lat_interval[1])/2) is_even = not is_even lat = (lat_interval[0] + lat_interval[1]) / 2 lon = (lon_interval[0] + lon_interval[1]) / 2 return lat, lon, lat_err, lon_errdef decode(geohash): lat, lon, lat_err, lon_err = decode_exactly(geohash) # Format to the number of decimals that are known lats = "%.*f" % (max(1, int(round(-log10(lat_err)))) - 1, lat) lons = "%.*f" % (max(1, int(round(-log10(lon_err)))) - 1, lon) if '.' in lats: lats = lats.rstrip('0') if '.' in lons: lons = lons.rstrip('0') return lats, lonsdef encode(latitude, longitude, precision=12): """ Encode a position given in float arguments latitude, longitude to a geohash which will have the character count precision. """ lat_interval, lon_interval = (-90.0, 90.0), (-180.0, 180.0) geohash = [] bits = [ 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 ] bit = 0 ch = 0 even = True while len(geohash) < precision: if even: mid = (lon_interval[0] + lon_interval[1]) / 2 if longitude > mid: ch |= bits[bit] lon_interval = (mid, lon_interval[1]) else: lon_interval = (lon_interval[0], mid) else: mid = (lat_interval[0] + lat_interval[1]) / 2 if latitude > mid: ch |= bits[bit] lat_interval = (mid, lat_interval[1]) else: lat_interval = (lat_interval[0], mid) even = not even if bit < 4: bit += 1 else: geohash += __base32[ch] bit = 0 ch = 0 return ''.join(geohash)
上面的decode是解码算法 encode是编码算法
Google S2地图索引算法
编码过程和解码过程如下:hilbert_map = { 'a': {(0, 0): (0, 'd'), (0, 1): (1, 'a'), (1, 0): (3, 'b'), (1, 1): (2, 'a')}, 'b': {(0, 0): (2, 'b'), (0, 1): (1, 'b'), (1, 0): (3, 'a'), (1, 1): (0, 'c')}, 'c': {(0, 0): (2, 'c'), (0, 1): (3, 'd'), (1, 0): (1, 'c'), (1, 1): (0, 'b')}, 'd': {(0, 0): (0, 'a'), (0, 1): (3, 'c'), (1, 0): (1, 'd'), (1, 1): (2, 'd')},}un_hilbert_map = { 'a': { 0: (0, 0,'d'), 1: (0, 1,'a'), 3: (1, 0,'b'), 2: (1, 1,'a')}, 'b': { 2: (0, 0,'b'), 1: (0, 1,'b'), 3: (1, 0,'a'), 0: (1, 1,'c')}, 'c': { 2: (0, 0,'c'), 3: (0, 1,'d'), 1: (1, 0,'c'), 0: (1, 1,'b')}, 'd': { 0: (0, 0,'a'), 3: (0, 1,'c'), 1: (1, 0,'d'), 2: (1, 1,'d')}}#编码def point_to_hilbert(lng,lat, order=16): print ('hilbert') lng_range = [-180.0, 180.0] lat_range = [-90.0, 90.0] current_square = 'a' position = 0 for i in range(order - 1, -1, -1): position <<= 2 lng_mid = (lng_range[0]+lng_range[1])/2 lat_mid = (lat_range[0]+lat_range[1])/2 if lng >= lng_mid : quad_x = 1 lng_range[0] = lng_mid else: quad_x = 0 lng_range[1] = lng_mid if lat >= lat_mid : quad_y = 1 lat_range[0] = lat_mid else: quad_y = 0 lat_range[1] = lat_mid quad_position,current_square = hilbert_map[current_square][(quad_x, quad_y)] position |= quad_position return position#解码def hilbert_to_point( d , order=16): print ('hilbert') lng_range = [-180.0, 180.0] lat_range = [-90.0, 90.0] current_square = 'a' lng=lat=lng_mid=lat_mid=0 for i in range(order - 1, -1, -1): lng_mid = ( lng_range[0] + lng_range[1] ) / 2 lat_mid = ( lat_range[0] + lat_range[1] ) / 2 mask = 3 << (2*i) quad_position = (d & mask) >> (2*i) quad_x, quad_y, current_square= un_hilbert_map[current_square][quad_position] if quad_x: lng_range[0] = lng_mid else: lng_range[1] = lng_mid if quad_y: lat_range[0] = lat_mid else: lat_range[1] = lat_mid lat = lat_range[0] lng = lng_range[0] return lng,latif __name__ == '__main__': d = point_to_hilbert(-50.555443,77.776655,36) print (d) lng,lat = hilbert_to_point(d,36) print (lng,lat)
对应的百度地图API参考代码中的链接import loggingimport sysimport tracebackfrom time import sleepimport jsonimport requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport pymysqlimport os.pathimport timedef getroadinfo(par): linearray = par.split('#&;') startlon = linearray[0] startlat = linearray[1] endlon = linearray[2] endlat = linearray[3] strcount = linearray[4] #http: // api.map.baidu.com / direction / v1?mode = driving & origin = 上地五街 & destination = 北京大学 & origin_region = 北京 & destination_region = 北京 & output = json & ak = 您的ak origin = str(startlat) + "," + str(startlon) dest = str(endlat) + "," + str(endlon) url = "http://api.map.baidu.com/direction/v1"; Param = "mode=driving&origin=" + origin + "&destination=" + dest + "&origin_region=武汉&destination_region=武汉&output=json&ak=" + ""; strurl = url + "?" + Param; #请求百度接口返回数据 try: web = requests.get(strurl, timeout=30) data = json.loads(web.text) if 'result' in data: if 'routes' in data['result']: routes = data['result']['routes'] listtext = [] writestr="" for route in routes: if 'steps' in route: steps = route['steps'] for step in steps: # area = 0 # if 'area' in step: # area = step['area'] # direction = 0 # if 'direction' in step: # direction = step['direction'] # distance = 0 # if 'distance' in step: # distance = step['distance'] # duration = 0 # if 'duration' in step: # duration = step['duration'] # instructions = "" # if 'instructions' in step: # instructions = step['instructions'] path = "" if 'path' in step: path = step['path'] # turn = 0 # if 'turn' in step: # turn = step['turn'] # type = 0 # if 'type' in step: # type = step['type'] # stepOriginInstruction = "" # if 'stepOriginInstruction' in step: # stepOriginInstruction = step['stepOriginInstruction'] # stepDestinationInstruction = "" # if 'stepDestinationInstruction' in step: # stepDestinationInstruction = step['stepDestinationInstruction'] # traffic_condition = 0 # if 'traffic_condition' in step: # traffic_condition = step['traffic_condition'] # currenttime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) # writestr = origin + "#&;" + dest + "#&;" + str(area) +"#&;"+ str(direction) +"#&;"+ str(distance) +"#&;"+ str(duration) +"#&;"+ instructions +"#&;"+ path +"#&;"+ str(turn) +"#&;"+ str(type) +"#&;"+ stepOriginInstruction +"#&;"+ stepDestinationInstruction +"#&;"+ str(traffic_condition) +"#&;"+ currenttime + "\n" writestr = writestr + path + ";" print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) print(writestr) writestr = writestr + "\n" listtext.append(writestr) yushu = int(strcount)%20 text = "E:/roadinfo/roadinfo"+str(yushu)+".txt" file_object = open(text, 'a') lock(file_object, LOCK_EX) file_object.writelines(listtext) unlock(file_object) file_object.close() except: logging.error('解析线路信息失败') traceback.print_exc()
3、参考geohash编码级别对应的定位精度表如下:Geohash 字符串长度 纬度 经度 纬度误差 经度误差 km误差1 2 3 ±23 ±23 ±25002 5 5 ±2.8 ±5.6 ±6303 7 8 ±0.70 ±0.70 ±784 10 10 ±0.087 ±0.18 ±205 12 13 ±0.022 ±0.022 ±2.46 15 15 ±0.0027 ±0.0055 ±0.617 17 18 ±0.00068 ±0.00068 ±0.0768 20 20 ±0.000085 ±0.00017 ±0.019如果用户在某一个小时的时间间隔内 geohash的前三位有变动,我们可以认为该用户在高速移动中
1、因为考虑到用户的数据并不是以一定的频率匀速上传,中间有间断的可能,所以只能采用路网匹配的算法,即判断某个用户某个时间的数据点是否在道路网上:2、参考百度地图API,获取百度地图的铁路网路径规划信息,具体爬虫程序参考我上面的获取路径规划的程序。以火车时刻表的每个班车每个时间段的起点和终点(车站)作为输入获取道路网数据。3、对所有铁路道路网点进行geohash第五级编码 也就是定位精度为2.4公里4、对所有用户数据的经纬度进行geohash第五级编码5、对用户时间进行格式转化为小时和分钟两个列6、对道路网数据进行时间补充操作例如:A B C
如上图A点经过B点到达C点 总共时间一个小时,A到B路程为四分之一,已知A,C时间 则B的时间点为A时间加上一刻钟。
之后将所有道路网时间转化为 小时和分钟两个列7、对用户数据表和道路网表的时间数据列和 geohash列添加索引注意是前缀索引,可以另外加两个列是geohash的前缀,通过前缀匹配会加速。8、使用铁路网数据的geohash列对用户定位数据进行过滤,去除所有不在火车道路网附近的用户数据
9、对每一组用户数据,和道路网的数据进行 geohash列的join 10、判断时间是否和对应的时间点吻合,吻合即输出转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/yixianwei/2286738